
Showing posts from August, 2021

8/31/2020 reflection



 Today in fourth period we really operated today with our chrome books. We had a bell ringer but we had to do it on our computer and it was really opinionated. Then we did a PowerPoint about claim ( the main lesson). We learned about three types of claim(values, policy, fact). We had example and gave examples so he could make sure we understood. 


 Today in class we had a fire drill which cut class. We had a pop quiz about rhetorical situations. I got a bad grade. We also learned about how to break down and understand and argument. I learned how to identify pathos,logos, and ethos in an argumentative essay. We had many examples to make sure we understand each and everyone and how to find it if we had to.


 Today in class we how to identify the Components of rhetorical situation. There are a Eight component of rhetorical situation. The components are exigences, speaker, context, purpose, text, message, audience, and genre. They really are all the same thing repetitive but in different ways. The rhetorical situation will always be given to you in the prompts introduction.


 Today we presented our group projects. We got interrupted because we had to go get our chrome books. We had to walk in a line to the library. In my group I was the researcher. I didn’t really learn anything because we have been doing the same thing and going over poems by Langston Hughes. 


 Today in class we finished our group assignments . Group 1 and 3 had to present today. We had to answer questions at the end of the performance so they will know that we we’re paying attention. I am in group 2 and we present tomorrow. In my group I am the researcher.


  Today in class we did a group activity. Every person in the group was assigned one task/worksheet to do. We basically had to analyze a text and see how much information we could get out of it. It was a poem by Langston Hughes called the refugee in America. My job in the group was to be the researcher which is to find any information about or related to the poem or author. We have to present on Friday.


 Today I didn’t go to school. I didn’t go to school because I had a doctors appointment. So I went to work with my momma then the doctors after. Then we went grocery shopping and to get food. Today I ate sushi and crawfish with turkeys necks. When I came home I was just extremely tired so I went to sleep. 


  Today in class we did a bell ringer about what’s the most important moment in black history to you (me ). We went over the standard of what we need to know how to do before the end of the year. We learned what theme is and what it refers to. We read a poem that was made in the 1920 made by Langston Hughes. We learn how to read poetry. How to annotate a poem meaning it becomes what u make it to be. We listened to the whole poem. Took notes.  


 Today in class had a lot of test. I really don’t learn nothing. We took a vocabulary test. We took a pre test. Both of the test had more then 15 questions.


 Today in class we learned about formal and informal. For us like business and serious professional talking or writing. Informal is for like talking to your friends and people you are comfortable around. We also annotated a passage. We did a bell ringer about why do people read. I learned that every one reads for a reason like no one reads with no purpose because every-time you read it’s for a purpose. We also read the passage as a class and thought about it many different ways so we could understand from different point of views. We also learned last minute that we will have a vocabulary test on Friday which means study in other words.


 Today I went to fourth period and we learned. Today we took a hard quiz but it didn’t count. It was about a poem. Our teacher should us how to analyze a text when the text is complicated and he wanted us to use the elimination steps he taught us. We had a bell ring about temptation and we have to tell our own personal temptation experience. We read the text as a class and then he read it again and broke it down. He made us underline the words we didn’t know and he gave us the definition to a few of them to help us understand.


Today in 4th period we didn’t have a bell ringer. Instead of a bell ringer we had a diagnostic quiz. The quiz had 15 questions. I got one wrong which gave me a 93. We read the passages out loud and answered the questions together. The class graded each-other papers. We went over new rules . We learned how to do process of elimination properly.