
Showing posts from October, 2021

10/29/2021 Reflection

 Today in class we had a read the book wild. All the desk were in a circle and we were reading as a class. Each student had a paragraph to read and they had to pause and let the caps read one word. It was very Fun and different. I really enjoyed it and hope we could do it more often. We were also told to read chapters 8 and 9 and come up with 5 questions that we would be tested on on Monday .

10/28/2021 Reflection

 Today in class we worked on our individual project. Everybody was split into groups of 4. Everybody in the group had an assignment. We are to present the project as a group tomorrow in front of the class. Even though we are presenting together everybody gets there own grade.

10/27/2021 Reflection


10/26/2021 reflection


10/25/2021 Reflection

 Today in class we went over a weekend homework quiz. It had 20 questions and they were all based on chapter 4. He then told us to pull up chapter 5. He then gave us a one page on chapter 5 which is due to tomorrow. He went around and asked did we understand and if we didn’t he broke it down and helped you understand. 

10/19/2021 Reflection

 Today in class we discussed what makes a man and man and a women a women. We had homework on the book wilds chapter . The homework you were supposed to read  and write five questions. We are going to discuss the questions tomorrow in class instead of reading the book. We then had a little true or false activity. You were supposed to explain why u picked true or false on the question. It was 10 questions. 

10/18/2021 Reflection

 We had a quiz today. The quiz had 15 questions. We had 20 minutes to complete the quiz.we then discussed the chapter and went over the questions. We were told that our lowest quiz grade would not count. This was just for us to get a feel of how the chapter test reviews will be . 


 We were told to get a book . We had Instructions on the board for us to follow. We had to get out our chrome books and number them 1 through 10. While we were reading e stopped discussed and answers questions . We didn’t get to finish answering the question so we stopped and we told to finish it for homework because we will have a quiz on Monday about chapter 1.

10/14/2021 Reflection

 Today we were to continue our benchmark if we didn’t finish. You had 90 minutes to finally. I split my test into twos and did the multiple choice one day and the constricted response one day. One of the constructed responses was to finish or make a new ending. I didn’t finish my last two constructed responses. 

10/13/2021 Reflection

 We started our benchmark. The benchmark was only given to student who didn’t take the psat. There was two passage in the benchmark. Each question had at least two small constructed responses. If you didn’t finish you were to pause your test and finish tomorrow.

10/12/2012 Reflection

 Today in class we grabbed the books that we were supposed to read the last 15 minutes of class but ended up running out of time. The teacher then passed out a paper for the third step in our project which is an individual section but we come together in the end. He went over the paper and showed us how to find sources. Then he showed us how to search and image and how to copy the url. Everything must have a url and u must make sure it’s real . You need 10 different sources. 

#14 write about something you are certain of

 I am more than sure that I’m going to graduate with all honors  and at-least three cords. I have had a& b honor all my high school years and haven’t gotten anything less than an 82. I get all S’s on my conduct which is a big must in high school. To ensure that I get three cords I set up my classes accordingly. I get a cord and metal if I’m in it for more than three years.I get a cord for art and if I take art that’s two cords for one class. You also get a cord for having A&M’s honor roll and I think you get one also if your gpa is at a certain number.

#9 write a long apology

 Hey hope your having a wonderful day. I just wanted to say about today I am really disappointed with it. You know I hate when we fight. I especially hate fighting when I am the reason we’re fighting. I have been acting real selfish alit lately which has caused me to lose my only friend that I ever had. I just want us to fix it and let you know that I’m very sorry  and I love you.

#7 write about something you don’t exactly remember

 I have very short memory and attention span. So nine times out of ten I won’t remember anything you say or did so you must refresh my memory. I got burned on my hand and thigh when I was younger. I don’t remember anything about the mark on my hand. The burn on the inside of my thigh it’s a very slight memory that I have of it. I remembered getting the burn by my cousin sticking a iron to my leg.I still til this day don’t know when, where ,or how and why it happened.

#6 write about when you knew you were in trouble

 I was at school and something was just telling me that today something was gone happen. I’m going to my third period class my friend and I. We finished our work a little early so we think it’s ok to play laugh and joke a little. We joking around and then I open my mouth and say something about school shooting and the teacher over heard. She then makes it’s bigger than what it has to be and causes a whole scene. I knew I was in real trouble that I could get out of when she called the principal and my parents had to come up there.

#5 write about what you have to much of

I have to much free time on my hands. Don’t get me wrong I do this outside of school but like when I don’t I’m just free and bored with nothing to do. I say this because when I come home from school all I do is get in the bed and get on my phone. For example today I knew I had to finish some work up but I decided to wait until nine o’clock to start it. I really just be procrastinating and thinks that time will stop but I know  it won’t so I’m trying to do better managing my time .

#4 write about something you can’t deny

 I can’t deny a lot things but this one right here is top of the list. I talk a lot and always have something to say back or in general.I can’t deny that fact because I’m it’s true and so do others that know me. I literally always and only get in trouble for my mouth and attitude. It’s a bad habit that I’m trying to break before it’s to late. 

10/5/2021 Reflection

 Today in class we logged onto google classroom. Then we’re told to get a book. The book we were told to get was the book called “wild” which is the book we will be reading for the rest of the month. We went over the essential things you would need for a hike. We went over three different type of hikes and what they are. We then had and exit ticket on why people would take a hike .

10/4/2021 Reflection

 Today in class we had a bell ringer. Then we headed into our mini lesson about comma usage. We had 7 different ways to use commas or when to use commas and examples with every one. We then broke off into our groups and started working on our  introduction to our essay. The intro had to be At least 15 sentences going into detail but not to much about your point or what side you use. 

10/1/2021 Reflection

 Today in class we got into our groups. We were given big a paper. We had to write our group names on the paper and separate it into seven boxes. Each group had to go around and write the reasons in a box and tell which side we picked. Then at the end of the class we had to discuss what people wrote and if they are valid reasons we could talk about in our essay.