
Showing posts from April, 2022


 Today in class we had to write a paragraph about the 7 sources we read. We went step by step on everything. I still didn’t understand and the teacher got mad when I told him I didn’t. Overall I didn’t get it because it wasn’t explained very well. Today was an okay day but I’m happy it’s Friday. 


  We had an prompt that was on illuminate.the video was about the earth and how it was being effected. We answered a question then had a big class discussion. The discussion was about spaceships and explosions. At the end we were talking about how we can use pictures but no describing them and still explaining how they relate to the claim, 


 Today in class we worked on writing claims with different essays. Each person out of the group had a different essay. I had essay c . I messed up on my claims because I was putting negatives instead of positives. Every group had to come together and present . We were handed out each essay paper from every group and were told to write all three claims told by the group. 


 Today in class we played an ap card game . If your participated in the game you would get extra credit points only if you got the answer right tho. I had 7 points . The 7 points brought my grade up to three points. Overall  the game was very fun and different 


 Today In class I don’t know what we did because I had to leave. I went to therapy and we did new exercises, we did balancing the Exercising. We also had to sit in the 1 at period for like 2 hours. After therapy I went home and cleaned a little.  


 We had multiple choice and it was kinda easy but to much. It was a little hard for me because I sometimes have a hard time Comprehending because I would ready the question wrong. I think during the ap test I would be good with the skills that I were taught in class.


 Today in class we did a class assignment on illuminate. It was 8 questions but we only answered 7. The questions were all opinionated. We had to watch a video to answer the questions. The video and assignment was about the way technology affects us and the world we live in.





 Today we didn’t really do anything except one assignment. We had a discussion about three different poems. We had to give three examples to each poem that we related to.we took a test about the three poems after.


 Today I came to school because my friends begged me. I arrived to school late and found out that we were on lockdown. We have to sit in third period all day. I enjoy it but it’s boring and then we can’t even eat. Have a great spring break everyone.


 Today I went to school and did the regular. They fought in my third period. It was very exciting and funny. Then there was supposed to be another fight hit they didn’t . I was then on my way to fourth period and got checked out. I had to go therapy and didn’t get home until 8.


 Today I didn’t even go to school. I was having very bad body aches and leg pains. I didn’t even get out the bed except to shower and eat . I DoorDashed sone Taco Bell. Then went to sleep. 


 I went to every class but fourth period. I got checked out at the end of lunch .I went to therapy for my leg.I made major progress . I can now go full cycle speed . The day was very good .