
Showing posts from September, 2021

9/30/2021 Reflection

 Today in class we came in to the desk rearranged for our groups. We furnished step one of our project. We started on step 2. We go another paper explains what’s as needed from us and how to do it . He had us pull out our packets we got at the beginning of the week because the cover page had an good example of what was need of our project. We had to turn in step one of the project today .

9/29/2021 Reflection

 Today in class we had no bell ringer. We changed seats. Found out we had a group and individual projects. We started working on the project in class. We had a whole breakdown of the project parts.

9/28/2021 Reflection

 We did our bell ringer. We went over our homework. We realized that we didn’t know the true meaning of words we been hearing all our life. We had to analyze the picture from our packet. We are still working from our weekly packet we got Monday.

9/27/2021 Reflection

 Today in class we did our bell ringer and got a packet that we  will be working on all week long. We learned about synthesis essay. We had like 8 different inserts and pictures. We read one full out and determined if it was for or against our topic we talked about in our bell ringer . We had homework on judging or telling what u get from the pictures.

9/24/2021 Reflection

 Today in  class we looked at our essay grades. The grading scale was from a 1 to 6. We went over the prompt. The grading was out of three sections. We then discussed other people’s essay and told what they did for wrong. 

9/23/2021 Reflection

 Today I was in class only for a little bit. I did my bell ringer . I was called to the gym for a njrotc ceremony. I was being promoted. I was the squad so I had a little authority. Overall it was very fun .

9/22/2021 Reflection

 Today in class we finished reading our poems. We had three in total but today we only read the last one. All three of the poems were written by Emily Dickinson. We discussed the poem but today’s poem was not very relatable for me . Today’s poem was about mental health basically. We watched a video of someone reading the poem. We even had video of people loosing their mind from being in jail or committing a crime then we looked at another video of a person fake loosing their mind to try to avoid time for their crime. Overall today was very smooth cool calm and collected and I really enjoyed today’s lesson and class atmosphere.

9/21/2021 Reflection

 Today in class we wrote and argumentative essay. The essay was opinionated. We only had 40 minutes to write 4 paragraphs. It was very overwhelming because of me knowing I’m really getting timed and must be done to get a good grade. I tried my best and feel really proud of myself but then I’m a little iffy because idk if I did it wrong or right .

9/20/2021 Reflection

 Today in class was very chill and good. We had two poems . Both poems were written by Emily Dickson. I learned it ok not to fit in . I related so much to the second poem. She is very relatable . The second poem has a lot of personification as the literary device. We then had to write a excerpt on how we related to the second poem. 


 Today in class we had a bell ringer. We had a short poem to discuss. The poem had 4 stanzas and 2 different figurative languages used. It was written by Robert frost. We had a test on it tomorrow. The teacher is not gonna be here tomorrow.


 Today in class we did a bell ringer and got into the real assignment. The real assignment for the cake was going over a poem and breaking it down. The poem had 59 lines and was called briches. We learned that everybody has a purpose in life and thing that happened are supposed to. Nobody is meant to die and everyone has a purpose to fulfill before they leave earth. 


 I wasn’t at school. Today I got up and ate leftover pasta and lychee fruit. I wasn’t at school because I was supposed to have a doctors appointment but didn’t end up going. I stayed home all day and deep cleaned. I was just chilled all day after that.

9/10/2021 Reflection

 Today in class we finished the test. We really had a free day but had a little work to do if we didn’t finish. We had a bell ringer. Then we just talked and chilled if we kept the volume down. I really enjoyed it .

9/9/2021 Reflection

 Today in class we finished our benchmark test. We had to write the 3 or 5 paragraph essay. I didn’t finish I was only on my second paragraph cause I don’t know to start and didn’t really understand so I had to break it down. I had to finish my other parts from  yesterday because I was doing and with time and still didn’t finish. I tried my best and I know I’m not going to be satisfied with the grade. I wasn’t in a testing mode or mindset and it’s like they just be so hard compared to every one else. 

9/8/2021 Reflection

 Today in class we didn’t learn anything.we took a benchmark test. The test had 20 questions. I didn’t get to finish. It was very complicated or I just wasn’t in a testing mood. We have a five paragraph essay to complete tomorrow but idk how to feel about that. Other than that I feel like I failed already . 

9/7/2021 Reflection

 Today in class we wrote a paragraph.  We did it on google classroom. We had to write a thesis with three topics or claims . Then we had a prompt and had to go into writing our paragraph which is 7-9 sentences. We only had 20 minutes. I didn’t get to finish. My thesis was to long and it was a run on sentence but it was only because I didn’t understand . I get confused on thesis and claim or when we have to write out topic/first sentence for our paragraph. I plan on going to tutorial so I can get a better understanding and become a flirt writer and understand the prompt on my own.

9/3/2021 review

 Today in class we didn’t learn  anything . We had a test but since we had a lot of questions he let it it’s just be a practice paragraph. I didn’t really understand so I had to ask a lot of questions and I just did the best of my ability to my understanding. The test wasp. Writing a thesis and claim paragraph. We got extra points if we the steps to writing the claim paragraph.


Today in class we learned about overrated topics. We made a list of topic and had a discussion on how/why we felt that way about them. Then we had to make a topic sentence and 3 claims to back up our reasoning. We listed  all the things we need when writing and overrated claim. He told us all this and gave examples so he could prepare us for our test on Friday and it will determine if we know or are comprehending what he is teaching us .  


 Today in fourth period we learned about thesis statements . We learned about two types of thesis. Umbrella thesis and three point thesis. He gave us different prompts regarding our high school  so he could know that we understand . We wrote down our topic  and three claims . He had us create an umbrella and put claims or adjectives in there describing the examples .